Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas morning milk
New pjs!

O is growing so fast...a beard already!

A mostly bangs the guitar on the ground, using it like a cane.

Exhausted after a big day! E

C, same as sis.

Papa and Mimi, aka Bill and Marcia

Aunties, aka Kari and Stacy


He and me.


Steve said...

So in the photo 'siblings', Ryan is smiling, Stacy is smiling and Kari is ... pouting? Didn't she get the Christmas pressies she wanted? Or did Ryan take hers?

Nilsens said...

I didn't know why she did it then and I still don't know why...
Kari? Any thoughts?

Kari Joy said...

I was doing it because i didn't have any Christmas presents to show off, and pouting as if I didn't get any, which isn't true. I got plenty of Christmas presents and they were very much to my liking.