Monday, January 14, 2008

These are the days of our lives

Last week we had a rainy yucky day. It was just one of those days where I wanted to get out of the house and do something. I called a friend (yes, I have friends I can hang out with!), we packed up and went for a walk at the mall. Owan really enjoyed playing on these vehicles.

Elsie and Clara always manage to scoot themselves under the couch. :)

This is Clara. She likes to make this face and breath really hard. She especially does it when she stands up.

Last Thursday I babysat for my cousin, Rochelle. She has two boys. We had fun building this pyramid and knocking it down. They also took turns riding Owan's bike around the house. They are so well behaved, it was fun to have them!

Here are a couple more random videos. Both C and E like to stay in front of the camera. :)

Owan was just sitting at his table leaning on his hands talking to his trains. It wasn't even "table time." I thought it was cute.


Leingang Family said...

It was rainy and yucky here, too. But it looks like you had more fun than we did today. :o)

Andrea said...

It's always good for a little mental health to leave the house. Sometimes I get really excited to just go get some milk at the store. :) I'm happy that you have some friends in CT. It is always a hard adjustment - we still struggle with that here after almost 4 years.